Disciplinary Procedures
The only people to issue reprimands will be the Fire Chief, Assistant Chief and Battalion Chief. Lieutenants and Captains are able to suggest personnel to these ranks for reprimands. No reprimands will occur without the Department Member, their Lieutenant and a Chief Level Officer present.
First punishment for failure to follow the rules will be a verbal warning.
Second punishment will be a demotion, most likely down one rank.
Third punishment will be a suspension based on severity.
Fourth punishment will be a removal from the Fire Department.
***Depending on severity of the action, termination is not out of question***
All punishments are subject to the severity of the infraction. At the Battalion Chief’s discretion, any of these steps may be altered to reflect what punishment they deem appropriate. No punishment will be carried out without a non-biased, third party review by the Fire Chief, or Assistant Fire Chief.
An appeal can be filed 24 hours after the infraction/termination has been given. The appeal form can be found in the emails.
If appealing an infraction/termination please have the following:
Depending on the severity of what led to your termination/infraction, you may reapply the next hiring process. Your eligibility will be determined by the Chiefs of this department.
Last updated